Ecoclub Recommended™

Become Ecoclub Recommended™ Recommended™ - Application Form

Example of Recommended Recommended™ is a recognition offered to quality Tours and Attractions following the successful completion of the Ecoclub Recommended™ Audit. Successful applicants become Ecoclub Recommended™ resources and receive a Directory Listing and a Logo.

Our Criteria:

We recommend Tours and Attractions that meet the following key criteria:

  • Environmental: Minimize their environmental impact, respects animal rights. Use renewable energy, practices reducing, reusing, recycling, upcycling. Support conservation while fully respecting the rights of indigenous people and/or the local community.

  • Political: Respect Human Rights and Labour Rights. Workers/employees participate in organizational decision-making and have the right to join and form unions. Operate with the full consent and participation of the local community in decision-making.

  • Economic: Workers/employees receive living wages, enjoy good working conditions and receive full health & insurance coverage. Maximize benefits to the local community. Help eliminate poverty, meet real local needs & aspirations.

  • Educational: Increase knowledge and intercultural understanding. Support and participate in scientific research, cultural activities and heritage preservation.


Additional Conditions/Clarifications:

1. Applicants should have all legal licenses, permits and tax registration in the country they wish to be listed.

2. We do not accept entities that engage in any form of discrimination and those featuring, organising or promoting recreational hunting, big-game fishing or captive animal displays

Ecoclub Recommended™ Benefits & Terms (last update: 12 June 2024)
(1). One directory listing in one country and one category for each accommodation, attraction or tour. NB. Tour Operators in particular will be accepted on the basis of one specific tour, and this specific tour will be recommended and featured in the listing.
(2). A link to your own website (or to a social media page if there is no website)
(3). Your Logo or a screenshot type image of your website (600 x 450 pixels)
(4). A title (describing your services-usually your brand name) of up to 5 words
(5). A description of your accommodation, tour or attraction of up to 100 words - this is to be provided by you and edited by us
(6). Full contact details such as address, phone number, fax, Skype (according to your preferences)
(7). Optional: Links to your social network profiles (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google+ etc) 
(8). Up to 5 photos (800 x 600 pixels each)
(9). Up to 3 videos. If already online, we will provide links to online video hosting service (for example YouTube or Vimeo) so that they will appear embedded in your listing. Alternatively, the videos will be uploaded on our YouTube account, and we will link and embed them from there
(10). Ecolabels Info (Optional): A section presenting any ecolabels or certifications your business has obtained.
(11). Booking Link (Optional): A direct link to a booking form on your website or to on an online booking service
(12). Member Benefits (Optional): A special benefit you may wish to offer to Ecoclub Members
(13). "Recommended for" Tab (Obligatory): A tab explaining in what key ways you meet the Ecoclub Recommended™ Criteria.
(14). Logo: You will also receive a personalised Ecoclub Recommended™ Logo for use on your website and promotional literature.

Fee: One listing per business owner, free of charge.

To Apply: Please complete the form below - required fields are marked with a red star*

Please state your Full Name including prefix.
Please enter your LinkedIn Profile or leave blank if you do not have one