Ecoclub Ecotours™ is a recognition currently offered to quality Tour Operators, on the basis of their signature tour, following the successful completion of the Ecoclub Ecotours™ Audit. Successful applicants become Ecoclub Ecotours™ and receive a Directory Listing and a Logo.
Our Criteria:
We recommend Tours that meet the following key criteria:
- Environmental: Minimize their environmental impact, respects animal rights. Use renewable energy, practices reducing, reusing, recycling, upcycling. Support conservation while fully respecting the rights of indigenous people and/or the local community.
- Political: Respect Human Rights and Labour Rights. Workers/employees participate in organizational decision-making and have the right to join and form unions. Operate with the full consent and participation of the local community in decision-making.
- Economic: Workers/employees receive living wages, enjoy good working conditions and receive full health & insurance coverage. Maximize benefits to the local community. Help eliminate poverty, meet real local needs & aspirations.
- Educational: Increase knowledge and intercultural understanding. Support and participate in scientific research, cultural activities and heritage preservation.
Additional Conditions/Clarifications:
1. Applicants should have all legal licenses, permits and tax registration in the country they wish to be listed.
2. We do not accept entities that engage in any form of discrimination and those featuring, organising or promoting recreational hunting, big-game fishing or captive animal displays
Fee: FREE of charge, one listing per Company.
To Apply: Please complete the form below - required fields are marked with a red star*