Ecoclub Ecotourism Papers - Open Access

Original, open-access, ecotourism-related case studies authored by Ecoclub Members. Do you also wish to write a case study? Contact us

Author Title Format Posted
MENZIES, Ian Delivering Quality Eco-Experiences PDF 09/2002
BURNS, Rod Passion Performance & Profits PDF 11/2002
BASANETS, Larisa Russian Protected Areas as Part of the World Ecotourism System PDF 11/2002
ANYUMBA, Godfrey Indigenous Stakeholder Conflicts as a Barrier to Potential Ecotourism Development PDF 01/2003
SOOAEMALELAGI Ecotourism Plan for American Samoa PDF 01/2003
M.M., Animon Why Ecotourism has to be included in the Syllabus of B.Sc. Forestry Programme of Kerala PDF 03/2003
ODUNLAMI, Samuel An assessment of the Ecotourism Potential of Yankari National Park, Nigeria PDF 04/2003
ELL, Laura Striving for Ecotourism in the Solomon Islands PDF 05/2003
FONT, Xavier Labelling & Certification: Benefits & Challenges PDF 07/2003
TSIPIDIS, Vasileios Assessing the Urban Ecotourism Potential of a Local Nature Reserve PDF 01/2004
BAKAS, Fiona An Investigation into Consumer Attitudes to Ecocertification. The Case Study of Lake Plastira in Karditsa, Greece. PDF 01/2005
STRONKHORST, Erik Exploring the Potentials and Pitfalls for NTFP (Non Timber Forest Product) Related Tourism. The Case of the Bituri Forest in Brazil. PDF 04/2005
THAMPI, Santosh Ecotourism in Kerala, India: Lessons from the Eco-Development Project in Periyar Tiger Reserve PDF 06/2005
PETROPOULOS, Antonis A Southern Perspective on Climate Change, Tourism & Ecotourism (presentation) PDF 07/2008
SOFIELD, Trevor Tourism Planning & Development in Tibet HTML 08/2008
MELLE, Ivo 'Ecos' of the Twin Lakes: Ecotourism Development in Mwaam (Muanenguba), Cameroon HTML 09/2008
ORD, Cynthia Language School Tourism and Guatemalan Women HTML 10/2008
GRACI, Sonia & Rachel DODDS Green Festivals and Events Guide, a How To PDF 11/2008
PETROPOULOS, Antonis Marketing Ecolodges in an Ecological, Ethical & Effective way HTML 01/2009
BEGG, Angus Travellers' Philanthropy in Africa & The Media HTML 02/2009
DE FRESLON, Laetitia Urban Ecotourism - The Case of Lac de Maine Leisure Park PHP 03/2010
WIJAYA, Like Ecotourism in Papua: opportunities, challenges and the way forward PHP 03/2010
ERDTSIECK, Herman A Practical Solar Energy Guide for Ecolodges PHP 05/2010
PAVELKA, Joe Survey finds visitors to Machu Picchu are satisfied PHP 06/2010
THAPA, Kamal Village Tourism Development & Management in Nepal: A Case Study of Sirubari Village PHP 08/2010
ORD, Cynthia Contribution of Volunteer Tourism to Organic Farms: An analysis of the WWOOF exchange in Canada PHP 09/2010
FRICK, Markus Impacts of Tourism Development in Saint Vlas, Bulgaria PHP 09/2010
TUFFIN, Bill An Assessment of the Thai Domestic Market for Community-based Tourism in Thailand's Northeast PHP 10/2010
BAUSCH, Lidwine et. al. Dutch Eco-Travellers: An Investigation into Fundamental Values, Demographic Aspects and Ecological Holiday Norms in Predicting Ecological Holiday Behaviour within the Dutch Population PHP 05/2011
VERSTRAETE, Joni Managing Tourism and Conservation in Protected Areas: Koh Rong Sam Loem - Cambodia PHP 03/2012
DUTTAGUPTA, Sudip Pro-Poor Tourism Development - The case of Endogenous Tourism Project, India PHP 05/2012
LE MOIGNE, Jean-Philippe Establishment of Socio-cultural, Economic and Environmental Indicators for Monitoring Impacts of Tourism Development in Caleta Cóndor Community, Los Lagos Region, Chile PHP 01/2013
ZEDAN, Ahmed Conserving Desert Ecosystems - Exploring Sustainable Tourism Impacts in Siwa, Egypt PHP 03/2013
CONDREA, Diana Converting Antarctica Tourists to Conservation Ambassadors PHP 11/2013
BIL, Andrzej Climate Change Impacts on Ski Tourism: The Case of Tatra Mountains, Poland PHP 12/2013
KLIMMEK, Helen An Examination of the Barriers to Local Community Participation in the Dive Tourism Industry in Flores, Indonesia PHP 02/2014
THAPA, Kamal Protected Area Tourism and Regional Economic Impact - The Case of Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal PHP 07/2014
DOLOGLOU, Natali & Vicky KATSONI Ecotourism in Protected Areas, A Literature Review PDF 03/2016
SARKAR, Sudipta Kiran Urban Ecotourism Destinations and the Role of Social Networking Sites; A Case of Kuala Lumpur PDF 03/2016

Precarity, a Key Determinant Affecting Tourism's Claim to Contribute to Inclusive Growth and Sustainability

PHP 06/2022
SOFIELD, Trevor Nakelo Treasure Island Resort, Fiji – A Case Study in Inclusive Tourism Economy, Indigenous Empowerment and Collaborative Management PHP 08/2022