Ecoclub Greece™ - Eλληνικός Τουρισμός & Περιβάλλον

Mykonos: A state subsidy to a new luxury hotel raises eybrows

Kathimerini reports that a new 192-bed five star hotel project in Mykonos will receive a EUR 6.6m state subsidy. The mayor of Mykonos is against the project and appealed in early 2022 to the Council of State to annul it on environmental grounds.

Lefkada: Municipal council votes against privatization of the Castle area

Following public protests, a majority of councillors, including the Mayor's faction, voted to freeze long-going attempts to lease or sell coastal areas adjacent to the famous 15th c. Santa Maura castle and a popular public beech in the north eastern tip of the island. The developers have brought intimidation lawsuits against a number of citizens opposing the plans. 

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Crete: Mega-resort plans in Falasarna protected area approved by regional environment committee

Falasarna Beach, CreteFalasarna Beach, CreteDespite objections by Greece's Natural Environment & Climate Change Agency (ΟΦΥΠΕΚΑ) and the Municipality of Kissamos, the Environment Committee of the Region of Crete approved by a 13-2 majority a plan by the Tsatsaronaki group to build a 850-bed hotel inside a protected coastal area in Falasarna, Crete. The project still needs approval by the Ministry and the Council of State.

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Skiathos hosts 8th World Trails Conference

World Trails Conference, SkiathosWorld Trails Conference, SkiathosThe 8th World Trails Conference took place in late September 2022 on the Greek island of Skiathos. The 5-day conference gathered 228 participants from 5 Continents and 32 countries and discussed issues such as sustainability of paths over time, technology, health, construction, promotion and certification, in particular the Green Flag Trails ecolabel. In parallel, an International Film Festival for Trails took place, while the new Skiathos Trails, a project implemented by Paths of Greece in collaboration with the Municipality of Skiathos, were also inaugurated


New metro station in Piraeus showcases ancient heritage

New 'Municipal Theatre' Station, PiraeusNew 'Municipal Theatre' Station, Piraeus150 structures related to the City's ancient water supply system were uncovered during construction work and some of these are now part of a permanent exhibition at the new 'Municipal Theatre" underground railway station, one of three inaugurated on 10 October 2022. Piraeus has been the commercial port of Athens since ancient times and hosts important monuments that relatively few tourists visit. The new extension allows passengers to get from Athens Airport to the Port of Piraeus in approximately an hour.

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Ryanair attacks Fraport 'monopoly', pre-announces Athens base closure for winter - Η Ryanair επιτίθεται στο 'μονοπώλιο' της Fraport, προαναγγείλει κλείσιμο της βάσης της στην Αθήνα για το χειμώνα

In a new installment of its long-running antagonism with Greek airports operator Fraport, and its supposed high passenger fees (12 Euros per passenger), Ryanair announced its decision to in effect reduce winter flights to and from Athens as it failed to receive 'incentives' from the Greek government, who has yet to reply. In a press release the airline specifically called on Tourism Minister Kikilias to "finally reply in writing to Ryanair’s growth proposals that would transform Greek Tourism creating thousands of jobs in Greece during the winter period". Σε άλλο ένα επεισόδιο της διένεξης της με την Fraport, η Ryanair ανακοίνωσε ότι θα μειώσει το πτητικό της έργο από 29 Οκτωβρίου 2022 με βάση την Αθήνα επειδή δεν έλαβε κίνητρα από την Ελληνική Κυβέρνηση, η αντίδραση της οποίας αναμένεται. Στο δελτίο τύπου της η αεροπορική εταιρεία απευθύνεται συγκεκριμένα στον Υπουργό Τουρισμού τον οποίο καλεί "επιτέλους να απαντήσει γραπτώς στις αναπτυξιακές προτάσεις της Ryanair οι οποίες θα μεταμορφώσουν τον Ελληνικό Τουρισμό δημιουργώντας χιλιάδες θέσεις εργασίας κατά την χειμερινή περίοδο".

Σύγκρουση συμφερόντων οδηγεί σε παραίτηση στο ΔΣ του WWF - Conflict of interest leads to resignation from WWF Greece Board

Ο εφοπλιστής Φίλιππος Λαιμός παραιτήθηκε από μέλος του ΔΣ του WWF στις 29 Ιουλίου 2022, εξαιτίας της δικαστικής διαμάχης μεταξύ περιβαλλοντικών οργανώσεων και του αδελφού του και του ιδίου, σχετικά με την κατασκευή δύο βιλλών στο Πάπιγκο, εντός-σύμφωνα με τις οργανώσεις-του Εθνικού Πάρκου Βόρειας Πίνδου. Filippos Laimos, a shipowner, resigned from the board of directors of WWF Greece on 29 July 2022 citing conflict of interest resulting from the court case brought by leading environmental organizations against him and his brother, over the construction of two villas in Papigo, in land which - conservationists allege - is within the boundaries of the North Pindus National Park.

Διαβούλευση για Επισκέψιμα Ελαιοτριβεία - Public Consultation on Visitable Olive Presses

Τα Υπουργεία Τουρισμού και Αγροτικής Ανάπτυξης και Τροφίμων ανήρτησαν σε δημόσια διαβούλευση μέχρι 2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2022, σχέδιο Κοινής Υπουργικής Απόφασης για τη θεσμοθέτηση και τις τεχνικές-λειτουργικές προδιαγραφές των επισκέψιμων ελαιοτριβείων. The Ministries of Tourism and Agricultural Development and Food are calling for comments on a new ministerial bill that sets the technical and operational requirements of visitable olive presses, until 2 September 2022.

Μετά από τις αντιδράσεις "παγώνει" η υπουργική εγκύκλιος για 6ήμερη απασχόληση στον Τουρισμό-Επισιτισμό - Six-day week on hold after protests

Μετά από πολύωρη συνάντηση της Γ.Γ. Εργασίας και του Προεδρείου της ΠΟΕΕΤ συμφωνήθηκε η αναστολή εφαρμογής της εγκυκλίου του Υπουργείου Εργασίας που προέβλεπε τη δυνατότητα εξαήμερης εργασίας 40 ωρών ανά εβδομάδα και την έναρξη γύρου διαπραγματεύσεων με την εργοδοσία σχετικά με το καθεστώς των ημερών εργασίας. Η ισχύουσα συλλογική σύμβαση εργασίας υπεγράφη τον Ιούνιο του 2021.

Σχετική κάλυψη

After a long meeting, the general secretary of Labour and the Board of the POEET Tourism & Food Worker Union, agreed to suspend the implementation of a circular of the Ministry of Labour that provided for the possibility of six-day work of 40 hours per week. A new round of negotiations with employers will take place regarding the status of working days. The current collective labour agreement in the Tourism and Restaurant sectors was signed in June 2021.

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Lampsa Hotels announce extra bonus for all staff

Lampsa SA, owners of the historic Athenian hotels Grande Bretagne and King George among others, are offering a Euros 1,000 bonus to all their employees in Athens, in recognition of their hard work during a season "of 100% occupancy". Hopefully other hotel companies will follow suit.

New hiking route inaugurated in Pertouli forest

A 16 km hiking route inside the "University Forest" of Pertouli, in northwestern Thessaly, was inaugurated today by government officials. The route consists of three main tour paths crossing the forest as well as old churches, fountains, gorges, WW2 monuments. A mobile app and website will also be created. The 3300 ha forest is managed by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.