A new - regenerative thinking - in action

" /> How a regenerative thinking is starting to unravel in sectors and communities around the world and how you can develop a hospitality business that is future proof "The time for talk has passed. What we need today is action." - Jane Goodall The innovations of the Regeneration Model presented below have been applied theoretically and practically...

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Community Regeneration

" /> How the community regeneration can co-opt everyone in addressing nature and climate crises "Nature is saying: This is it. Join me as partner. Deepen, not change so much but deepen, work on more levels and together we can take the changes and make them into transformation and not total collapse."- Jean Houston The most effective community regen...

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262 Hits

Excellent training opportunities with the sectors’ specialists at affordable prices

I am thrilled to share with you today two professional and personal development opportunities that can and will enhance your present and future career prospects. The first training opportunity is offered to you by Moyo Training Foundation in collaboration with Earthvoice. It is the first of this kind and reach, high-value and practical nature-based...

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The regenerative tourism – the art of playing it right and leading the way

The regenerative practice of forest bathing enables us to reconnect to nature and ourselves.

The regenerative tourism – the art of playing it right and leading the way

"To succeed with our current nature and climate challenge, we require a philosophy that is underpinned by the understanding that the ecological and social stewardship and the right regeneration model is the optimal path for organisations and individuals to achieve their sustainable and regenerative goals."

- Kinga Monica, Regenerative Coach and Sustainability Innovator
When I first started designing and promoting sustainable travel and tourism projects in the late nineties, ecotourism was barely heard of. There was a tendency to see it more as a fad rather than a serious tourism model it is today. Generating $77bn in revenue according to the Centre for Responsible Travel, CREST, ecotourism amounts to a quarter of the total travel and tourism market.

The new era of Ecotourism with Regeneration and Eco-conscious Traveller as its drivers

Fast-forward to today, and we see regeneration as a driver of this newly defined impactful travel. I believe that, over the next few decades, this emerging approach will be re-defining and shaping all aspects of travel and tourism. It is poised to give rise to new, more Earth and community-centric trends in the entire ecosystem of related disciplines that make up ecotourism. All things considered, we still suffer from a crisis of good travel that creates nature positive long-term impacts.

"I believe that, over the next few decades, this emerging approach will be re-defining and shaping all aspects of travel and tourism. It is poised to give rise to new, more Earth and community-centric trends in the entire ecosystem of related disciplines that make up ecotourism."

- Kinga Monica, Regenerative Coach and Sustainability Innovator

My experience tells me that transformational and regenerative tourism can and should address this challenge. In this piece I would like to share some insights and ideas relating to regenerative tourism and how this emerging realm is shaping hospitality in new exciting ways. As a delegate and a speaker at Eco Resort Network's annual prestigious in-person networking event, I will present my innovative work and share best up-to-date practices with an international group of peers within the eco resort and glamping sectors.  

Designing regenerative models that work is a collaborative process

As an independent consultant at Earthvoice with a diverse portfolio of award-winning ecotourism development concepts, projects and startups, I guide you through the entire design process of making your venture sustainable and regenerative long-term.

Running a multifaceted high-end hospitality business can be a balancing act. I know this first-hand having run successful and award-wining sustainable businesses and projects in the UK and Spain: a hotel, organic restaurant, eco design and innovation centre and activity agency. My community-focused projects that led to the creation of innovative climate and culture multimedia venues in different countries gave me an invaluable insight into what works and what doesn't.

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Systemic greening instigation (part 1)

" /> How can a country kick-start systemic greening and bring everyone onboard "The facts of science are real enough, and so are the techniques that scientists use, and so are the technologies based on them. But the belief system that governs conventional scientific thinking is an act of faith." -Rupert Sheldrake Systemic greening instigation – see...

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433 Hits

The most advanced Greening Template for Regeneration (part 3)

" />  Green action spaces setting the right scene for the eco-social renewal "Paying our dues for the resources we use." P. Hughes & K. Monica (A Big Strategy) Greening templates and regeneration: action spaces as a paradigm shift catalyst For the last two decades, I have been presenting the concept of a non-physical socio-green infrastruc...

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544 Hits

The most advanced Greening Template for Regeneration (part 2)

" /> Green action spaces setting the right scene for the green renewal "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." Benjamin Franklin Regeneration has now established itself in our sustainability language but this is where a climate/environmental thinking paradigm at governmental levels in Europe is today. Lots of tactics without a strategy....

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516 Hits

The most advanced Greening Template for Regeneration (part 1)

Green action spaces setting the right scene for the green renewal " /> "Desperate times call for desperate measures"     Hippocrates Countrywide greening templates for regeneration - a more intelligent way of addressing the current crises Many social pressures that we experience today fuel an often flawed political stance and tend to...

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523 Hits

Lifestyle Centres – a Catalyst for effective Green Transition

" /> How we can optimise circular economy with people power Lifestyle (action) centres to focus our green transition efforts  To make the green transition work in practice, we first need to make sense of logic bubbles that are holding us back from making congruent systemic changes. Some of the questions that frame our times are: how do we buil...

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537 Hits

Circular Economy and the Green Transition

How we can optimise circular economy with people power "Your paradigm is so intrinsic to your mental process that you are hardly aware of its existence, until you try to communicate with someone a different paradigm." Donella Meadows Circular economy has become a green buzzword, however the majority of people in most countries are not sure what it ...

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446 Hits