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How you can avoid greenwashing and design authentic sustainability

Debunking some of today's eco and social enterprise myths coming from the corporate, technocratic and academic spheres, slowing down climate change action

  In my recent dealings with corporate people I got exposed to and experienced what I named; 'ecosplaining.' I also frequently come across this on social media when reading posts and articles calling to action on climate or just simply promoting sustainability innovation without any reference to anything or anyone else. As if they were somehow created in isolation to everything else, which we know from the latest findings that this is not how innovating works. So my 'ecosplaining' term, refers to the first myth:

1. Sustainable innovation as we live it today originates in the corporate and academic worlds and this is how it enters all other spheres of life. The fact is it is exactly the is the know-how of grassroots innovation that has entered and been supplying and shaping this innovation since the 1970s, and in terms of integrated models of sustainability, the history is more recent. (see my integrated eco-social enterprise model innovation from two decades ago.) 

  This and other myths exist because there are many logic bubbles that result from lack of understanding of history of grassroots innovation, lack of willingness to award innovation that comes from innovators not linked to these two worlds. Another reason is the systemic lack of support for grassroots innovators, which is my personal experience, and what I have seen taking place over the years as a socio-environmental innovator. Often socio-environmental innovators' work is a fair game for everyone. In short, those in better positions can use it without paying for it and endorsing it. Why? This is because we do not have good practice in place to assess, channel and properly utilise and reward eco innovation that is not product-based.  Read more to find our more insights as to how you can create a successful blue-green businesses that is aligned with People-Planet-Prosperity paradigm, or improve the eco-credentials of your tourism & travel venture.

Earthvoice is an online hub dedicated to strategic practical advisory and climate change solutions. We specialise in immersive sustainability and social enterprise design by providing consultancy service that also includes creative copy and video content solutions for companies and organisations.

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