Ecoclub Blogs™

news & views from our members around the world

Our Heritage Protectors Documentary Funding Campaign Launched

Greetings from Crete, Greece! We are in production of our documentary, Heritage Protectors, where we meet with organic farmers, agroecologists, botanists, archaeologists, and toxicologists to share crucial information about agricultural practices today and initiatives to create more resilient communities, including community-based sustainable ...

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Crete's Culinary Sanctuaries featured in IFOAM Organics Europe

Greetings, Our project is highlighted in the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements - IFOAM Organic Europe's "Leading by Example" Initiative! We are honored to participate in this important initiative and to share information from our fields in Crete, Greece.  

1327 Hits

Agroecology Europe Forum, Crete, Greece September 2019 Proceedings

Greetings, Video highlighting the Agroecology Europe Forum, Agroecology Europe Youth Network, Agroecology Greece. It was a great pleasure to participate in this forum and to meet so many people dedicated to cultivating our safe food sources, protecting communities from toxic chemical agriculture, and working hard to sustain resilient communities. My presentation at Workshop 6: Scaling Out, entitled "Collaborating with Sustainable Community-Based Tourism Initiatives." Discussion on proven initiatives supporting Agroecology through community-based tourism. Also, ways to expand and/or initiate more programs and create more global awareness of the necessity for Agroecology. For those who have participated in Crete's Culinary Sanctuaries seminars/study tours, you will recognize some of the organic farmers and speakers at this forum, who are also teachers in the CCS Network. Agroecology Europe Forum Information  

1848 Hits