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80 years ago...

1944-dekemvriana-2 Athens downtown, December 1944

80 years ago, on this day, December 3, 1944, and for a month, Athens became a battlefield. Extreme positions and cruelty on both sides, plus the hand of outside powers keen, as always, on dividing and ruling led to thousands of deaths, followed by tens of thousands in the ensuing Greek Civil war 1946-1949, which still poisons political life in Greece, even though we undoubtedly now live in a country that is freer, fairer and more attractive than many, supported, yes, it must be recognised and emphasized, by Tourism. Can Tourism play a similar role in Gaza and the Ukraine in the foreseeable future? Possibly, if moderate, constructive voices that can synthesize positions and seek solutions rather than problems, are given a chance, including by outside powers, keen, as always on dividing and ruling... Interestingly, whereas all Greek warring factions respected Athens' many ancient monuments, this was not so by the British troops that used the Acropolis as a vantage point. As it happens the Greek PM is in London today, and the return of the stolen Parthenon marbles is on the unofficial agenda of talks with the new British PM. A good day to make amends?

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