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1 minute reading time (184 words)

Colors of Spring in the Mountains of Pakistan

It is spring early spring in the mountains, where the willow trees have sprouted new leaves. The gentle breeze carries a pleasant atmosphere throughout the settlement.

During this time of year, young girls in the area prepare their flutes by stripping the branches of willow and playing them while tending to herds of cattle on the grassy pastures. The lyrics and melodies produced by these flutes create a captivating and enchanting effect, blending with the high-altitude atmosphere, and echoing among the rocks.

A crystal-clear stream meanders through a rocky bed, adorned by soft, velvety grass and blooming spring flowers on its banks. Despite the powerful currents, trout swim upstream.

In the distance, a snow-capped mountain is visible, serving as the source of nourishment for the stream. An overnight shower has refreshed the landscape, intensifying the colors and deepening the shades.

Two young people cross a cantilevered bridge, radiating hope and optimism as they move to the other side. The villagers are delighted by the mild weather following a long and snowy winter.

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